The Historic Conservatory Archive
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With over 60 historic glasshouses documented and counting, this archive is your premier resource for studying conservatory architecture from around the world.


Imagine… building a glass room over 150 years ago...
With huge strides in the evolution of technology, availability of materials, and society, we see major transitions in the architectural style of conservatories from the 17th century into modern day. In this collection, explore over 30 years of research studying architecture from the most famous and beloved conservatories, orangeries, and palm houses around the world in this exclusive collection!
Alan Stein and Nancy Virts, founders of Tanglewood Conservatories, have been inspired by conservatory architecture for as long as they can remember. With backgrounds in art, architecture and construction, it was no wonder this dynamic duo has taken their passions from just studying conservatories to designing and fabricating them all over the world!
Their generous contributions have allowed us to collect and document over 60 architectural legends dating back as far as the 17th century! We look forward to a continued partnership as we work to grow this collection to preserve and educate the world about the importance of these great glasshouses in our world today.
Alan Stein & Nancy Virts
Co-Founders of Tanglewood Conservatories